Schools Worth Sharing

It’s a very different recruitment climate out there. Online has changed the game forever. Sight, sound, and social is the mandatory way to help influence students and families to choose your institution. Competition is really, really fierce.  So schools must take a multi-dimensional approach. No more isolating a few key value-add propositions. Now everything is potentially valuable – curriculum, location, management, financing, lifestyle, extracurriculars, and more.

Many virtual touchpoints demand a flexible and efficient approach to social marketing video campaigns. An approach Popvid has pioneered.

Cheer Squad – CIC’s Got Talent

Columbia International College

Hello Vietnam – CIC’s Got Talent

Columbia International College

Breathtaking Boat Tour of NYC – Model UN Trip

Columbia International College

Top of the Rock – Model UN Trip

Columbia International College

Model UN & NYC Trip

Columbia International College

Alunos Brasileiros na Maior Escola Privada do CANADÁ

Columbia International College

Summer Camp’s Got Talents

Columbia International College

Summer Camp in Canada – Green Team

Columbia International College

Rockestra Ranked TOP 10 in Canada

Columbia International College

York University Campus Tour

Columbia International College

McMaster University Campus Tour

Columbia International College

General Assembly – Model UN Trip

Columbia International College

University of Toronto St. George Campus Tour

Columbia International College

I Don’t Wanna Leave You Now – CIC’s Got Talent

Columbia International College

Summer Camp in Canada – Exciting Trips

Columbia International College

In The End – CIC’s Got Talent

Columbia International College

Flower Dance – CIC’s Got Talent

Columbia International College

Start Your Admission Campaign Project